So I did a thing…
I was dismayed when the email came stating that my son's team needed a volunteer coach. What if they didn't find a coach?
So I did a thing…
Books I'm Thankful For
Pages2Screen: The Wild Robot
Book Review: A Changeling Sea
Writing Goals Update
Spooky Reads, part four
Spooky Reads, Part 3
Spooky Reads, part 2
Spooky Reads, part 1
The Strangers Guide to Talliston by John Tarrow
New school, new haunts…
Adventures in AI Revisited
Volume 4 Update
Guest Post: The Cards That Changed My Life by Joanne Ryan Curran
Speculative fiction on the screen round up
New Fantasy Short Story Drops today
House of the Dragon: Awesome or meh?
Beyond Earth: Is there Life on Other Planets?
Summer, summer, summertime
The Wrath of Monsters in the literary press