Happy Turkey Day Eve!
Is there anything worse than trying to market your manuscript to agents and editors, etc.? Probably not. Although, I find waiting to hear back after submitting a requested complete manuscript pretty damn terrible. Pins and needles, you know. How long should I expect to wait? Three months, maybe more? Is that good or bad? Who the hell knows! I try not to worry about it too much since there's nothing I can do about it. Either I'll get a rejection notice or be offered a contract.
So far, I've submitted to 20+ agents and indie presses. This has garnered me three things: rejection notices, one request for a partial manuscript, and one request for the full manuscript. It really is true what people say, querying is harder than writing the story. Just this morning, I found myself tweaking a synopsis before sending it out. Nothing major, just fine-tuning around the edges in the hope that maybe, just maybe a bit of spit-shine will be the difference between a rejection and a request for a partial. Querying really does suck. Preaching to the choir, right?
Anyway, the boo-hoo attitude regarding querying hasn't kept me from blazing away at my current WIP. Since my last update, I've banged out two more chapters for a total of 10 in November. That puts me at just over 24,000 words this month. Now, that is short of the 50,000-words NaNoWriMo stalwarts hammer out in November, but I am pleased my progress nonetheless, and, hey, I still have 3 ½ more days of writing left.