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The Tribulations of Querying

Writer's picture: DanDan

Decaying Leaf by Dan 2019
Decaying Leaf by Dan 2019


Happy Turkey Day Eve!

Is there anything worse than trying to market your manuscript to agents and editors, etc.? Probably not. Although, I find waiting to hear back after submitting a requested complete manuscript pretty damn terrible. Pins and needles, you know. How long should I expect to wait? Three months, maybe more? Is that good or bad? Who the hell knows! I try not to worry about it too much since there's nothing I can do about it. Either I'll get a rejection notice or be offered a contract.

So far, I've submitted to 20+ agents and indie presses. This has garnered me three things: rejection notices, one request for a partial manuscript, and one request for the full manuscript. It really is true what people say, querying is harder than writing the story. Just this morning, I found myself tweaking a synopsis before sending it out. Nothing major, just fine-tuning around the edges in the hope that maybe, just maybe a bit of spit-shine will be the difference between a rejection and a request for a partial. Querying really does suck. Preaching to the choir, right?

Anyway, the boo-hoo attitude regarding querying hasn't kept me from blazing away at my current WIP. Since my last update, I've banged out two more chapters for a total of 10 in November. That puts me at just over 24,000 words this month. Now, that is short of the 50,000-words NaNoWriMo stalwarts hammer out in November, but I am pleased my progress nonetheless, and, hey, I still have 3 ½ more days of writing left.


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